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The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot

  • 19h30
  • Mercredi 7 décembre 2022
  • 20€

Réservation conseillée


Le Centre Culturel Irlandais, en collaboration avec la Fondation T.S. Eliot, a le plaisir d'accueillir Charlotte Rampling, Lambert Wilson, Amira Casar, Bruno Fontaine, Christophe Dilys et Adrian Dunbar pour une célébration spéciale du centenaire du chef-d'œuvre moderniste de T.S. Eliot, The Waste Land.

Né en 1888 à St. Louis dans le Missouri, Thomas Stearns Eliot, prix Nobel de Littérature en 1948, est un poète américain naturalisé britannique. Sous l'influence de son contemporain Ezra Pound, il commence à écrire et à publier largement sa poésie, notamment le recueil Prufrock and Other Observations en 1917. Ce recueil, ainsi que The Waste Land (1922), font d'Eliot l'un des principaux poètes de l'avant-garde et, pour le reste de sa vie, il sera la figure dominante de la poésie et de la critique littéraire dans le monde anglophone.

La soirée commencera par une lecture de Rampling et Wilson. Tous deux feront revivre le poème moderniste de 1919 de Hope Mirrlees intitulé Paris, un voyage de 600 lignes à travers la ville où Mirrlees a vécu avant et après la Grande Guerre. Virginia et Leonard Woolf ont publié cette œuvre qui a été acclamée, rejetée puis oubliée. Au XXIe siècle, elle a été redécouverte et réévaluée comme un chef-d'œuvre des premiers modernistes, anticipant un poème publié par les Woolf quelques années plus tard : The Waste Land (La Terre Vaine).

Au cours de la célébration, qui inclut la lecture du poème, Bruno Fontaine interprétera la musique qui a inspiré les rythmes de The Waste Land ainsi que la musique de l'époque et les chansons admirées par Eliot dans une improvisation unique commandée spécialement pour la soirée. Christophe Dilys de France Musique présentera et contextualisera les différentes parties de cette performance unique.

Commandes spéciales

The T.S. Eliot Foundation commissioned five Irish visual artists to respond to a different part of Eliot's masterpiece, The Waste Land.

The results now constitute a signed and numbered limited edition print to be unveiled at the Centre Culturel Irlandais on the night of December 7th and available to buy at 250 euros. For further information and purchasing, please contact

> digital pigment print on 300gsm 100% cotton rag paper in an edition of 50, dimensions: A2 (42.0 x 59.4cm)

“The hyacinth garden“ THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD

Jonathan Hunter is an English-born artist living and working in Dublin. An MA graduate of the National College of Art and Design, in 2008 he was an invited Resident Artist at the prestigious Josef and Anni Albers Foundation in Connecticut, USA. Hunter’s paintings are vibrant explorations of landscapes and people, with bright colours and organic lines. His work forms part of many important public collections including AIB Art Collection, Office of Public Works, University College Dublin, Hennessy Craig, National University of Ireland, and private collections throughout Europe. Hunter is represented by Hillsboro Fine Art in Dublin. Jonathan Hunter - Hillsboro Fine Art

“Good night, ladies, good night” (A GAME OF CHESS)

Alison Pilkington graduated from the National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Dublin in 1990. She subsequently completed an MA in Film and TV Studies at Dublin City University and received a PhD in 2015 from NCAD. Today, she lectures in painting at Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire and Technological University, Dublin. She has been a Board Member of The Model Arts and Niland Gallery and Temple Bar Gallery and Studios. She is co-editor of ‘The Fold’ publication (with Cora Cummins), a publishing platform for invited artists to consider various themes. In 2012 she won a British Institution award for painting at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition, London. In the same year she was shortlisted for the Marmite Painting Prize, which toured the UK in 2012/2013. Also in 2013 Pilkington was a winner in the 5th International ArtSlant Prize. Recent exhibitions include a solo show I Build My Own Island at The Model Sligo. ALISON PILKINGTON - home


Stephen Loughman works and lives in Dublin, his practice is chiefly painting led. He utilises imagery usually sourced from commercial films. The act of freezing these images in paint allows him to distil and re-edit them to form (as Hugo Hamilton has written) “a cross reference fictionalised somewhere in the past by culture and commerce.” Loughman is represented by the Kevin Kavanagh Gallery. Selected solo exhibitions include Proven Answers ,Temple Bar Gallery + Studios, 2018; Volta NY solo presentation, 2012 and 26th São Paulo Biennale, 2004. Selected group exhibitions include Kulturpreise NOEDOK St Pölten Austria 2019, Hold to the Now, SLAG Gallery NYC (2015); Last, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin (2012) and What happens next is a secret, IMMA (2010). STEPHEN LOUGHMAN

“Death by Water” DEATH BY WATER

Conor Horgan is an Irish editorial photographer, filmmaker and visual artist. As a photographer he has contributed to Vogue (UK), Harpers & Queen, Condé Nast Traveler, Elle Magazine, The Irish Times, The Sunday Telegraph. His first feature film, One Hundred Mornings, received its world premiere at the Slamdance Film Festival in 2010, winning the Special Mention Award. His first short film, The Last Time, received a nationwide cinema release in Ireland and was the recipient of seven international awards, including the UIP Director Award. His feature documentary, The Queen of Ireland was released throughout Ireland breaking box-office records for an Irish documentary. Horgan’s permanent installation of portraits of ‘artists-in-residence’ was unveiled at the Centre Cultural Irlandais in 2021 and his recent solo exhibition, Post-State, at the Royal Hibernian Academy, was acclaimed by critics and public alike.

“Shantih shantih shantih” (WHAT THE THUNDER SAID)

Domino Whisker Domino Whisker is an Irish born visual artist and writer by way of Los Angeles. She spent her childhood years with her Irish parents - artist Charlie Whisker and fashion designer Mariad Whisker - in the Golden State, raising rabbits, watching sunsets and reading books in the back of her father’s 67 Chevy Impala. She returned to Ireland in 2001.The shapes of her past are woven into her work along with her whims, woes and words, sometimes embroidered, other times painted. Her first solo show, REMNANTS, at Atelier Now in Dublin received excellent reviews and resulted in many commissions including a major one for Claridge’s Hotel in London. Her large, embroidered piece ‘The Birds and I’ won the prestigious RCSI Art Award at the Royal Hibernian Academy’s 191st annual exhibition in Dublin. She is currently working towards her next solo show which is scheduled for Autumn 2023 in France. Domino Whisker