Music The Unusual History of Ether Pop-rock group The Unusual History of Ether is on tour following the release of their debut album 'A Distant Age' in September
Music Dónal Lunny Trio These three respected musicians have one thing in common: each of them has succeeded in taking his chosen instruments and music to places never heard before
Music Vêpres baroques Organiste et compositeur du 17ème siècle, Jacques Duponchel a effectué l'essentiel de sa carrière dans les Pays-Bas espagnols et en Italie
Music NewSoundWorlds Créé en 2012, l’ensemble NewSoundWorlds est spécialisé dans l’interprétation de morceaux de musique contemporaine
Music Hugh Tinney & Catherine Leonard This music festival offers a singular opportunity to hear some of Ireland’s most talented classical and contemporary musicians perform in Paris.
Music Thérèse Fahy - Celebrating Debussy Dublin-born Thérèse Fahy, one of Ireland’s foremost pianists, performs this evening’s programme of Preludes to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Claude Debussy
Music GOAL Ball Paris The Centre Culturel Irlandais welcomes in its courtyard the 12th annual GOAL BALL in aid of the Irish humanitarian agency GOAL
Music The Musical Offering - Johann Sebastian Bach The Musical Offering (L’offrande musicale), de Jean-Sébastien Bach, doit son origine à la visite du compositeur à la cour de Frédéric le Grand à Potsdam en 1747
Music L'orateur harmonique, autour des motets de Lully This 17th century music stresses the equal importance of the score and the sung text, their interconnection