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Prix trad 25

Prix de traduction du Centre Culturel Irlandais et de Literature Ireland

Established in 2019, the Prix de traduction was created for the promotion of Irish literature in the French language.

Established in 2019, the Prix de traduction was created for the promotion of Irish literature in the French language.


The "Prix de Traduction du CCI et Literature Ireland", was created for the promotion of Irish literature in the French language.

The Prix aims to support the translation of works of fiction by Irish authors who are as yet unknown in France.
The prize of €3,000 is awarded to the translator. Only first translations published in the two years prior to application can be entered for the prize.

Deadline for applications: 14 March 2025

Full terms and conditions of the prize

See the titles identified so far

Jury members:

  • Clíona Ní Ríordáin
    President of the Jury

    University Professor and Director of the Irish Studies Research Group at University of Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. Translator and specialist in literary translation

  • Sinéad Mac Aodha
    Vice-President of the Jury

    Director of Literature Ireland

  • Martine Hennard Dutheil de la Rochère

    Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)

  • Cécile Arnaud
    Translator and Recipient of the Prix de Traduction 2023

  • Frédérique Roussel

    Journalist at Libération


  • Prix de Traduction 2019: Mona de Pracontal, translator of 'Nothing on earth' (Rien d’autre sur Terre) by Conor O’Callaghan, Editions Sabine Wespieser
  • Prix de Traduction 2021: Nicolas Richard, translator of 'Solar Bones' (D'os et de lumière) by Mike McCormack, Editions Grasset
  • Prix de Traduction 2023: Cécile Arnaud, translator of 'Travelling in a Strange Land' (Voyage en territoire inconnu) by David Park, Editions de La Table Ronde