Thérèse Fahy Ireland’s Tombeau to Debussy This three-day concert cycle in the chapel has been curated by one of Ireland’s foremost pianists, Therese Fahy, to mark 100 years since the composer’s death.
Talk Composers in conversation Join us for 3 short pre-concert conversations with the composers of Ireland’s Tombeau to Debussy.
Talk Listening Space Enjoy some of the best radio documentary-making in Ireland masterfully chosen by producer Aidan O’Donnell and presented in the chapel.
Multidisciplinary Events Dans laquelle on prend l'Eire. Launch of the Irish edition of the Fricassée recipe collection with a drink and the opportunity to meet the publisher-illustrator from Vous êtes ici.
Film The Farthest Human achievement, personal drama and almost miraculous success make this one of the best documentaries to date about the conquest of space.
Irish Language | Gaulin Club Thomas McCarthy Coming from a long line of traditional Irish Traveller singers and musicians, Thomas McCarthy is the Gaulín’s guest singer this season.
Talk Elizabeth Bowen, Espionage and the Second World War Elizabeth Bowen wrote a celebrated spy novel while living through the Blitz in London and secretly reporting on Irish neutrality for the British Government.
Film | Irish Language The Hamely Tongue Directed by Irish language activist Deaglán O Mocháin, this unusual film argues for a nuanced perspective on Ulster Scots, considered by some to be merely a dialect.
Irish Language Irish Language Certificate Courses This the moment to sign up for the Certificate in Irish language delivered by Maynooth University.
Literature | Talk Crime-writing festival Noire Emeraude Opening with a conversation with Benjamin Black (aka John Banville), this four-day festival presents chaired discussions and readings with some of Ireland’s finest crime writers.
European Heritage Days European Heritage Days Au programme : visites guidées de la Bibliothèque patrimoniale, de la chapelle St Patrick, de la Médiathèque et de l'exposition collective «Surveillé·e·s».
Robocobra Quartet This innovative quartet will bring the courtyard alive during the exhibition opening with a mix of jazz, hardcore punk and contemporary classical music.
Talk Conversations around the exhibition Surveillé·e·s Representing the intangible, commenting on or alerting society… these and other issues will be discussed in a series of conversations with artists on show in our exhibition ‘Surveillé·e·s’.
Surveillé·e·s The world is waking up to the implications of mass surveillance. This exhibition of seventeen artists investigates both the visible and invisible mechanisms in operation.