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Conférence de la Liam Swords Foundation

Count O'Rouerke and the Marquis de Mirepoix

  • Tuesday 18 February 2020 / Talk
  • 7.30pm, reservation recommended

    in English
  • admission free

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During his three-month residency at CCI, Stephen Griffin, a PhD student reading history at the University of Limerick, investigated the extent to which the Irish diaspora engaged in diplomatic affairs in Ancien Regime Europe. Tonight, he presents the annual Liam Swords lecture: ‘Your future nephew: Count O'Rouerke, the Marquis de Mirepoix and family interests in Vienna 1738-1740.’ His paper examines the relationship of the French ambassador to Vienna, Gaston-Pierre de Lévis, Marquis de Mirepoix, with the agent of the Stuart court in exile, Owen O'Rouerke. Stephen Griffin outlines their familial connection, the role of their wives and the extent of their social interactions and reveals how they occasionally found themselves caught in a conflict of interests and the manner in which each man responded.