Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse et en Irlande
Homage to Barbara Wright
- Tuesday 11 October 2022
- 7.30pm
in French and English
Admission free, reservation recommended
This evening sees the unfolding of at least two stories in one. The first is that of Édouard de Tocqueville who travelled to England, Scotland and Ireland from June to August 1824. The second is that of Barbara Wright, emeritus Professor of French at Trinity College Dublin, who at the moment of her death was nearing the end of painstakingly editing and commenting on de Tocqueville’s unpublished illustrated account of his journey.
Roger Little, esteemed professor and Wright’s colleague, undertook to bring her work into the public domain. Together with Olivier Szerwiniack and Ségolène Le Men, he sheds light on the book Voyage en Angleterre, en Ecosse et en Irlande and the processes involved in preparing it for publication this year by Editions Honoré Champion.