Vernissage of Photo Exhibition: Sharon Murphy
Sharon Murphy’s new body of work focuses on Parisian carousels and theatrical décor during their moments of stillness and silence. It stems from what the artist describes as a ‘longstanding interest in staged spaces and the performative in photography’. Inhabited by inanimate painted horses, decorative frontispieces and drapery, these scenes become the point of departure for a wider exploration of fictive realism, the tension between hidden and revealed, negative and positive, illusion and disillusion. A mise en abyme of the practice of photography - itself a constructed fiction - and a delving into Freud’s notion of the uncanny, this exhibition at the Centre Culturel Irlandais evokes both enchantment and a pang of unease.
At 5:30pm, just before the opening of the vernissage, a conversation between Sharon Murphy and Trish Lambe, director of Photo Museum Ireland (admission free – reservation recommended – conversation in English) will take place. During the vernissage, the artist in residence, Shane Hynan, will discuss his photographic project Beneath | Beofhód. The film “Changing States”, a panorama of contemporary Irish photography commissioned by Photo Museum Ireland, will be projected throughout the evening. At 8pm, the vernissage will be followed by a folk-electro afterparty by Mohammad Syfkhan.
On-site dining by Burger Boss.
In addition: a very short walk from the CCI, at 221 rue Saint-Jacques, the photographer Roseanne Lynch will be opening her show Façonner la lumière at the Galerie Adrian Bondy-Mind’s Eye (exhibition open until Dec 15).