Manchán Magan
The Irish Language: Food for the soul
- Talk / Thursday 11 March 2021 at 8pm
- Thursday 11 March 2021 7pm Irishtime/8pm French time
The event will take place via Zoom webinar. Please sign up here to receive the link.
- Online event, free access
Together with the University of Maynooth, CCI is delighted to present this event as part of Seachtain na Gaeilge (Irish language week).
A former artist in residence here at CCI, well-known writer and broadcaster Manchán Magan will talk about the subject of his new book The Irish Language: Food for the soul and a key to unlock visible and invisible realms.
Is scríbhneoir agus craoltóir é Manchán Magan a bhfuil leabhair scríofa as Béarla agus as Gaeilge aige faoin taisteal atá déanta aige i Meiriceá Theas, san India agus san Afraic. Scríobhann sé colún rialta do The Irish Times, cuireann sé The Almanac of Ireland i láthair do RTÉ Raidió 1 agus cuireann sé tuairiscí ar fáil faoi chúrsaí taistil do chláracha raidió éagsúla. Tá go leor cláracha faisnéise curtha i láthair aige faoi chúrsaí cultúir agus oidhreachta do TG4, RTÉ agus an Travel Channel. Díríonn a leabhar nua, Thirty-Two Words For Field, ar na tuiscintí faoi chúrsaí timpeallachta, anama agus oidhreachta atá le fáil sa Ghaeilge. Tá sé ina chónaí i gcoill darach i gCo. na hIarmhí i dteannta a bheacha agus a chearca.
Manchán Magan has written books both in English and Irish about his travels in Africa, India and South America. He writes regularly for The Irish Times, presents The Almanac of Ireland on RTÉ Radio 1 and reports on travel for various radio programmes. He has presented dozens of documentaries on issues of world culture for TG4, RTÉ & Travel Channel. His latest book Thirty-Two Words For Field explores the insights the Irish language offers into the landscape, psyche and heritage of Ireland. He lives in an oak wood in Co. Westmeath with bees.
(Re)watch the talk with Manchán Magan: