Launch evening
Season of Centenaries
Programme for the opening evening:
_ Exhibition opening A Nation Under the Influence: Ireland at 100
_ Conversation between artists Jennifer Trouton, Alison Lowry and academic Nathalie Sebbane
_ Courtyard exhibition opening Following Ulysses de Deirdre Brennan
_ Old Library exhibition opening - Leo. J.M. Koenders Collection of Artists’ Books
_ Launch of the installation Reading Ulysses by Oonagh Young
_ Launch of the new Poetry Jukebox theme ‘Ambiguities’
_ Launch of 2022 Congress for Ireland with academic Declan Kiberd
_ Premiere of commissioned shorts films by Contemporary Music Centre and CCI
_ Premiere of newly commissioned audio walking tour by Rachel Ní Chuinn
_ Presentation of a special Franco-Italian ‘Ulysses’ collaboration: photography installation Ulysses-Sirens by Leo Pellegatta; sound installation The noise of water by Nicolas Laffererie; performance Bid Adieu by both artists
_ Presentation of an original first edition of Ulysses, graciously lent by the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco - under the aegis of the Fondation Princesse Grace.
_ Open studios by our artist in residence Nadia Armstrong
_ Colloquium ‘Global Ulysses Paris’, curated by the Keough-Naughton Institute for Irish Studies (University of Notre Dame, USA) has been postponed to later in the year – details will be available here : www.globalulysses.com
With the participation of playwright Marina Carr, academics Barry McCrea and Lola San Martín Arbide.