Sam Keogh
- Friday 24 January to Sunday 1 March 2020 / Exhibition
- Tuesday-Sunday : 2pm-6pm
Wednesday : 2pm-8pm
Closed on Mondays
- admission free
Following his selection in 2019 by Palais de Tokyo for the Lyon Biennale and by Centre Pompidou for their exhibition Cosmopolis 2, CCI is pleased to present this “willfully convoluted” installation by artist Sam Keogh who shares his time between London and his native Co. Wicklow.
Sculpture, collage and painting combine in the shape of a series of small toilets filled with cement that support a colourful network of invasive plants and ‘roots’ made from trash. A line of small chairs invite visitors to view video work that tunnels through three different locations in present day London: an old school, a luxury apartment block and a mutilated tree. Like the worms, roots and tunnels it depicts, Knotworm’s logical and poetic connections twist, coil and fold around each other evoking the histories and underbelly of the city.
In response to the exhibition, the Poetry Jukebox set up in the courtyard of the CCI invites you to listen to poems about the environment and climate change (until 27 March).