Ryan Vail & Elma Orkestra
Uniting two of Ireland’s most forward-thinking musical propositions - Eoin O’Callaghan AKA Elma Orkestra and Ryan Vail - Borders is a singular collaborative project. Spanning symphonic ambience to widescreen electronica, it’s a genre-warping meeting of the minds. As two artists residing on either sides of the Border, their paths have entwined several times in the past. Now, mirroring the spirit of the times, Borders is a musical collaboration that sees those creative paths meet head-on. Across eight tracks, O’Callaghan and Vail masterfully blur the contours between contemporary electronic and classical realms. They create a new continent of sound, a world where borders don’t exist.
“Really ambitious stuff, what a collaboration!”
(BBC Radio Ulster)
“A symphony of classical sounds and electronica of such percussive power”
(Hot Press)
Listen to them here: