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European Heritage Days

  • 19 - 20 September 2015
  • 2pm - 5pm (guided visits departing every half hour until 4.30pm)
  • admission free

Au programme de ces deux journées portes ouvertes au CCI :

  • Guided tours of the Old Library presenting the treasures of the collection : three illuminated manuscripts that date from the Middle Ages : 2pm - 5pm (tours departing every half hour until 4.30pm).
  • Doors open for all to visit Saint Patrick’s chapel which underwent complete restoration of its richly decorated interior in 2002.
  • Books, magazines, CDs, films and many more resources on Ireland’s heritage and contemporary culture available for all to consult in the Médiathèque
  • Open studio by artisan basket-maker Joe Hogan who featured in our recent exhibition of Irish design. Basket-making demonstration on Saturday at 3pm
  • Mini-concert by cellist Lioba Petrie in the chapel on Sunday at 5pm
Photo: ©Ros Kavanagh