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Fidget Feet Aerial Dance Theatre present

Hang On

Organised as part of the FICEP’s “Semaine des Cultures Etrangères”
Choreographed and performed by Chantal McCormick and Lee Clayden
Music by Jym Daly

Have you ever been in love? Have you ever had to hang on for dear life? “Hang On” brings the suited denizens of the business world into the sumo wrestler’s circle of combat.

This is aerial dance at its finest. A dance trapeze duet combined with live musical performance in a thrilling struggle between the sexes. Will everything be lost in the battle or can love be found?

“Hang On” is presented by Fidget Feet, a playful aerial dance company originating from Donegal, and has been performed in theatres and on streets to over 10,000 people in Europe, Australia, South Africa and Canada.

“…You are left utterly stunned. Excellent.”
(The Irish Times)

“Fidget Feet is a true ambassador of the current Irish Street Arts”
(Jan Victoor, City of Wings Festival)

This event is part of the FICEP’s Semaine des cultures étrangères (20-29 Sept 13). This year the theme is “The performance arts”. Full details are available at:

Trailer :