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Dans le cadre du 8ème Festival des cultures d’Europe

"Et vous trouvez ça drôle ?"

14 May 09, 19.30

Rencontre avec Colin Bateman au Centre Culturel Irlandais

Northern-Irish author Colin Bateman started his career as a satirical journalist. He now has an established reputation for his crime novels that combine action, suspense and black humour with a dash of the politically incorrect. His latest novel Mystery Man is published in April 2009. A scriptwriter for film and television, he adapted his first novel Divorcing Jack for the cinema.

16 May 09, 16.00

Rencontre avec Colin Bateman à la Bilipo:

Colin Bateman also takes part in a « rencontre » at the Bilipo (Bibliothèque des littératures policières) together with two authors of humorous crime fiction, the Frenchman Colin Thibert and the Englishman Charlie Williams, whose works have been published in French by Série Noire. The moderator for the evening is Nathalie Beunat.

Ces deux rencontres sont organisées en partenariat avec la Bilipo.

12 mai 09, 16h

Parcours littéraire de l'humour au Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles:

The actor Jean-Luc Debattice reads a selection of humourous texts taken from European literature including one from Ireland..