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Bacon en toutes lettres

  • Tuesday 8 October 2019 / Talk
  • 7.30pm, reservation recommended, in French and English
  • €5

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This autumn, the Centre Pompidou opens a major exhibition of works by the artist of Irish origin, Francis Bacon. Focusing on works produced in the last two decades of his career (from 1971 to 1992), the sixty odd paintings explore how literature became a powerful stimulus for Bacon. Writers such as Bataille, Eliot, Eschyle, Leiris and Nietzsche inspired images that fed into his vision of a world polarised between civilisation and barbarity, beauty and ugliness, life and death. Tonight, we are delighted to welcome the assistant curator Anna Hiddleston to present this exceptional exhibition.

Have a look at the Médiatheque’s books, articles and DVD about Francis Bacon on the occasion of the exhibition “Bacon en toutes lettres”, at the Centre Pompidou from September 11 2019 to January 20 2020.

Listen to the recording of this event: