1916 : Birth of the Irish Republic
- 18 February 16
- 7.30pm, in French
- admission free, reservation necessary (spaces limited)
- Mairie of the 5th arrondissement, 21 place du Panthéon, Paris 5ème
The Easter Rising of 1916 is one of the pivotal events in modern Irish history – it led to Ireland’s independence. Throughout this centenary year, the CCI is organising a series of events focusing on the Rising and its resonances to be launched with this evening hosted by the Mayor of the 5th arrondissement, Florence Berthout.
Karin Fischer lectures in Irish studies at University of Orleans and is co-editing with Clíona Ní Riordáin a special 2016 issue of the Etudes Irlandaises review « L’Irlande et sa république : passée, présente et à venir ». This evening, her illustrated talk in French outlines the key figures and events of the Rising as well as tracing the notion of the Republic from how it was envisaged by those who signed the Proclamation in 1916 to the current day.
This introductory talk will be followed by lighthearted jigs and reels played by the Cup of Tea Céilí Band - six musicians with a passion for Irish traditional music.