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Flemish Psaulter

Post date: Wednesday 1 Dec 2021

This psalter is written in Latin, on vellum and was produced in Bruges circa 1500. Its binding dates from the 19th century.

A psalter is a collection of psalms (biblical hymns). Richly decorated, it includes a fully illuminated page depicting the Tree of Jesse and a miniature of King David. A second miniature depicts the Office of the Dead, in addition to twelve illuminations representing the months of the year and the signs of the zodiac. A further nine pages feature richly decorated borders, ornamented with flowers, birds and butterflies. The coat-of-arms of the patron of the psalter consists of an azure-coloured lion set against a silver background; it figures nine times throughout the manuscript. It is likely that the illustration of the psalter was carried out in the workshop of Raphael Marcatellis, a bibliophile from Bruges.

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