2022 Congress for Ireland
Post date: Friday 4 Mar 2022
Listen to the address by former President of Ireland and Chair of the Elders Mary Robinson.
Co-curated by CCI director, Nora Hickey M’Sichili, and researcher and Liam Swords Fellow, William Shortall, 2022 Congress for Ireland brings together outstanding contemporary thinkers and authorities in their field to speak of their aspirations for Ireland’s future, including Former President of Ireland and Chair of the Elders Mary Robinson, Oxford University’s new Professor of Composition Jennifer Walshe, and Irish activist Panti Bliss.
This series echoes the Irish Race Congress held in Paris in January 1922 which presented the grand narrative of Irish cultural achievement to a diasporic and international audience. Jack Yeats delivered his only public lecture on Irish Art, Douglas Hyde spoke on Irish language and W. B. Yeats spoke of Irish literature and theatre. All spoke about their hope and aspirations for the future with the emergence of the new State seeking for world recognition. A century later, today’s experts will address the issue of modern Ireland and its identity. The speeches will be released this autumn as a podcast series.