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The Domestic Godless
Pataphysical kitchen

  • Wednesday 26 October 2022
  • 7.30pm

5€, reservation recommended

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Since 2003, The Domestic Godless - Stephen Brandes, Mick O’Shea and Irene Murphy - have been exploring the potential of food and everything connected to food as a vehicle for irreverent artistic endeavour and experimentation. This evening at the CCI, they host a culinary performance.

Impossible cutlery meets the unfortunate diner at the pataphysical kitchen. This absurdist, dystopian but edible installation revolves around augmented silver-plated cutlery designed to frustrate the hungry, creating psychological and physical disruptions to the journey from fork to mouth. An absolute-must event for all those who haven’t yet come across this Neo-DaDa Foodist Kollektiv, two of whom are in residence at the CCI to collect sounds of Parisian markets and streetscapes for future compositions and performances.