Literature Rencontre avec Moya Cannon L'écrivain Moya Cannon est en résidence au Centre Culturel Irlandais jusqu'en juin 2004
Concert de musique renaissance Playing on instruments of the period the Lachrimae Consort present a musical journey from Spain to the British Isles
Literature | Young audience Atelier pour enfants: Conte et Illustration Cet atelier destiné aux enfants de 8 à 12 ans est animé par l’auteur-illustratrice irlandaise Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick et l’illustrateur estonien Heiki Ernits.
Exhibition Anne Cleary et Denis Connolly rvb Irish video artists Cleary & Connolly continue their colourful exploration of their immediate Parisian environment with rvb.
Literature Poetry Reading - Ellen Hinsey Paris-based poet and translator Ellen Hinsey will read work by Tomas Venclova, Petr Borkovec, Ewa Lipska and other writers from the ten countries that will join the European Union this May 17 Mar 2004
St Patrick's Festival Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill On the Eve of Saint Patrick's Day, the Centre Culturel Irlandais is delighted to present the Irish fiddle virtuoso Martin Hayes and American guitarist Dennis Cahill
Exhibition Anthony Haughey Territoire contesté The Centre Culturel Irlandais presents Disputed Territory by Irish artist Anthony Haughey.