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Diana Copperwhite, Paul McKinley, Tadhg McSweeney, Paul Nugent, Geraldine O’Neill, Kathy Tynan

Many Worlds - Group show

  • Friday 15 September to Sunday 29 October 2017
  • Opening Friday 15 September, 6.30-9pm
    Breton foodtruck Karr Lichou

    Monday to Sunday from 2pm to 6pm
    (late opening on Wednesdays until 8pm)
    Closed on Monday and from 10 to 12 October

    Culture Night Friday 22 Sept, 6-9pm, admission free
    Nuit Blanche Saturday 7 Oct, 8pm-midnight
  • Admission free

Paul NugentCentre Culturel Irlandais and Kevin Kavanagh present Many Worlds, a group exhibition of new work by six artists who reflect the diversity of contemporary painters in Ireland. Each have distinct and highly complex ways of fragmenting and reconstructing space through the medium of paint. Diana Copperwhite’s highly energetic and colourfully abstract manner of painting contrasts with Paul Nugent’s measured and monochrome application of paint to meticulously primed boards. Geraldine O Neill’s canvas for Many Worlds marries a Flemish style of painting with contemporary subject matter. Tadhg McSweeney’s kinetic assemblage charts a restructuring of space using revolving mechanisms to create ever-changing images of light and shadow. Kathy Tynan’s works are made following encounters and epiphanies on routine walks and journeys while Paul McKinley seeks out photographs of far-away countries that he has never visited - his paintings are lush and seductive though their subject-matter points to complicated and often suppressed histories of these places.

Images :
Diana Copperwhite Relative Telepathy, 2017 huile sur toile, 100x120cm
Paul Nugent, Untitled I (Séance), 2017, huile sur toile
Geraldine O'Neill Is feidir le Cat Schrodinger an da Thra a fhreastal 2014 huile sur toile 200x210cm
Tadhg McSweeney Utopian Dream II, 2017, mixed media
Paul McKinley Atalanta, 2017, huile sur toile
Kathy Tynan Thick and Black Roots of the Stars, 2017, huile sur toile