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Conquering the Unknown

  • From Monday 19 September to Friday 28 October 2022
  • Mon-Fri : 2pm to 6pm
  • Admission free

Opening night Friday 16 September, 7pm-10pm, admission free
Food and drink on sale by the foodtruck Aux péchés mignons (burgers).

European Heritage Days Saturday 17-Sunday 18 September, 2pm-5pm

Guided visit Tuesday 4 October, 7pm

From the end of the Middle Ages until the beginning of the 19th century, travellers’ accounts played a central role in pushing back the confines of the unknown – not only in the realm of geography but for scientific exploration as a whole. Thanks to its collection of remarkable and very rare books in this domain, the Old Library of the CCI offers the opportunity to journey through space, from the Holy Land to the Coral Sea via the Canadian North, as well as through time, in the company of different travellers across the centuries. The various motives and identities of these travellers come to the fore as well as the important part they played in collecting and spreading information that seemed worthy of interest.

This exhibition is presented in our Old Library in partnership with the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève as part of the 2022 thematic year on scientific travels.

Scientific direction
: Ladislas Latoch, PhD student in Early Modern History, Sorbonne Université and Research Fellow, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève

Complete your visit by discovering the online exhibition below: