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Anita Groener
To the Edge of Your World

  • From Friday 7 April to Sunday 4 June 2023
  • Mon-Sun: 2pm-6pm
    Wed: 2pm-8pm
  • Admission free

Nuit des musées: Saturday 13 May, 8pm-midnight

Nuit Blanche: Saturday 3 June, 8pm-midnight

A highly respected artist in her field, Anita Groener was elected as a member of Aosdana in 2005. Since leaving her native Netherlands in 1982 to establish herself in Ireland, questions of migration, memory, place and time have fed into her multi-media work. With this new exhibition at the CCI, she asks what it means to be human today. Ordinary materials such as twigs, twine and cardboard are transformed into painstakingly delicate sculptural metaphors for the interconnectivity of individual experience and world events. Immersed in a soundscape of song combined with fragments of sound from nature and everyday streetlife, ‘To the Edge of Your World’ evokes patterns of displacement and the fragility of human existence .

Behind the scenes of the installation