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In partnership with the Liam Swords Foundation, Culture Ireland and the DFA.

2022 Congress for Ireland
Amanda Coogan, Jennifer Goff, Paul Rouse

  • Thursday 31 March 2022
  • 7:30 p.m.
  • Admission free

in English

Due to circumstances beyond their control, Amanda Coogan and Jennifer Goff cannot be with us this evening. You are most welcome to join us (free of charge) for Paul Rouse's address in relation to Ireland, sport and the Olympics.

The Irish Race Congress of January 1922 presented the history of Irish political and cultural achievements to a Parisian and international audience.

A century later, our “2022 Congress for Ireland” echoes this event by bringing together a series of experts and contemporary thinkers, to share their aspirations for the future of Ireland. After welcoming Mary Robinson (online), Sean Binder, Panti Bliss, Catriona Crowe and Richard Kearney (12 March at the CCI), this second evening of ‘state of the nation’ addresses sees Amanda Coogan, Jennifer Goff and Paul Rouse talk respectively about art, design and Irish sports:

ART – Amanda Coogan is a performance artist with worldwide status, and winner of the prestigious AIB Prize of 2004. The body as a place of resistance is the centre of her most acclaimed performances, which are as impertinent as they are captivating.

DESIGN – Jennifer Goff, curator of the Eileen Gray Collection at the National Museum of Ireland, is also the author of one of world renowned designer Eileen Gray’s biographies. Goff’s fields of expertise include architecture, design and furniture in 20th century Ireland.

SPORT – Paul Rouse (University College Dublin) is a historian, journalist and reporter specialised in the history of sports in Ireland. He is the author of the work of reference Sport and Ireland: A History, and has made various documentaries for television.