Heritage Old Library visit Visit our Old Library which houses 8,000 historic books including three illuminated manuscripts dating from the Middle Ages.
Heritage Old Library visit Visit our Old Library which houses 8,000 historic books including three illuminated manuscripts dating from the Middle Ages.
Literature | Talk | Heritage Rencontres patrimoniales : Reading quill-in-hand Writing or drawing in the margins of a book was quite acceptable up to the 19th-century. Emmanuelle Chapron discusses the wonderful variety of marginalia in works held in our Old Library collection.
Literature | Heritage Une voix pour… Jonathan Swift This evening, in the candlelit surroundings of the Old Library, Marc Roger will read from 'The Battle of the Books' by Jonathan Swift.
Heritage Old Library visit Discover the history of the collection and admire our three illuminated manuscripts
Heritage Visit of the Old Library This visit is an opportunity to admire the treasures of our Old Library