Kimberly Campanello
August — September 2020

Kimberly Campanello is a dual Irish and American citizen whose practice as a poet and writer is concerned with linguistic experimentation and collaboration. Her most recent project is MOTHERBABYHOME, a 796-page poetry-object comprising conceptual and visual poetry on the St Mary’s Mother and Baby Home in Tuam. It was released in 2019 and performed at Oonagh Young Gallery. Kimberly received a 2019 Markievicz Award from Ireland’s Arts Council and the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for (S)worn State(s), a poetry collaboration with Dimitra Xidous and Annemarie Ní Churreáin about female embodiment and thought. This will result in a performance work and a limited edition publication by The Salvage Press. At CCI, Kimberly will work on poems for this ongoing project as well as her debut novel set in Saint-Brieuc.
Photo ©Ror Conaty