Ailbhe Greaney
May — July 2014

Photographer Ailbhe Greaney is course director of the MFA Photography Degree at the University of Ulster’s Belfast School of Art; she publishes and exhibits internationally and has received numerous scholarships and awards. During her residency at the CCI, Greaney will develop new work around the use of contemporary technologies and the roles they play in the navigating of divides and in the creation of an impossible view. Photography, whose origins are inextricably linked to France, will be used to explore the complex identities of its citizens. Expatriate artists of the 20th and 21st centuries will be explored against the equally colourful experience of migrants from the French Colonial Empire. http://www.ailbhegreaney.com/
Event with artist:
Open Studio evenings: Ailbhe Greaney 3 - 4/07 2014